13 October 2008


True Blood just keeps getting better!! They chose awesome cliffhangers to end each show, which makes me wish the week would fly by even faster so that I can find out what's next! I've become so addicted to this show that I've actually started recording Dexter on my DVR so that I don't feel bad for missing what was previously one of my favorite shows.

Waiting for my pasta to cook right now... I've already fed the kids, and I was craving pasta with honey mustard dressing, so I'm working on that, lol. Don't know why that sounds so good right now, but it does and I'm having it and omg I can't wait!

This is probably a particularly boring blog so far, because I'm perhaps exceptionally lazy when it comes to posting up my writing like I had planned to do with this. I'll get there, I swear I will.

...Just maybe not as soon as I'd hoped.

12 October 2008

Waiting impatiently

Trying to figure out what I'm going to accomplish today, but I'm waiting to find out what's going on first... My sister and her boyfriend want to take me to PI shopping (not like it matters... we have no money anyway), but we don't know if Mom and Dad can watch the kids, so I don't know yet. So I'm waiting on her to call me and tell me if Peanut and Cashew are going to Grammy and Grampy's house or not.

Scurry and I had a nice night last night; we're trying to figure out where we want to live after I finish my degree. Only thing we've come to consistently is that we want to get out of Maine and be away from his parents and mine. Our families really seem to cause strain on our marriage, so we want to be somewhere where we won't have that stress on us.

Cashew is dancing in her playpen right now (it's too early for her to be roaming the apartment just yet) and Peanut is trying to get Daddy's attention. My shoulder is achy from residual SUV wrestling pains today, so I pretty successfully wore myself out just getting Cashew up and dressed for the day. Scurry is laying in bed still; he's sick and pretty miserable. Hopefully Mom and Dad can take the kids for the day, I can get out of the house and have fun for once (even though I can't buy anything), and Scurry can get a little extra sleep before work.

Phone still hasn't rung to tell me what my day is going to look like.... GAHHHHHHHHHH. I hate waiting!

11 October 2008


I am so frustrated!!

Just tried to check my bank account online (on the only computer I've registered in their stupid little security system thing)... And it asked me about 90 freaking security questions... God forbid I forget if one of the letters was supposed to be capitalized or not! ...So I was denied entry into my own online banking.....

Then I restart my computer and BAM! It works.

...How the Hell does that happen.......

"3 A.M."

It is early;
Rain pours down,
Tapping on the windows,
Tiny fingers urgent for attention.
The silence is what I seek-
Quiet times are unknown to me now,
Thanks to the two sleeping angels
Who forever changed my life.
So alone I sit at 3 a.m.,
Watching the rain fall from my windowseat,
Hearing the tap, tap, tap on the panes of glass,
And I savor these moments...
For I finally have my chance to dream.

Of course!

As soon as I close the door to Scurry's and my room.... Peanut wakes up. He proceeds to wake Cashew up, squandering any chance that I'll get to lay back down.

Hoping they'll both fall asleep in the next 20 minutes or so... Either way, it's still Mommy Quiet Time until 4. Time to post some poetry, I suppose.

On Life, Living, and Just Plain Surviving

Peanut and Cashew are asleep... Hard to believe that Peanut will be 3 in a few months, and Cashew is almost 14 months old now. I should be laying down and trying to nap, but I can't seem to relax long enough for that to be worth it. Scurry left for work about 20 minutes ago, closing yet another night this week, and I'm faced yet again with the 'single mommy' mentality as I try to figure out exactly what we can get done tonight without Daddy home. Things have been such a struggle since 9/11/2008 when I got hit by that freaking SUV when I was walking on campus. Now we're waiting to find out if anything is wrong with my back and neck; if not, we get to start negotiating a settlement with the insurance company. Here's to hoping for decent money, and maybe a better life after all of this is over... Because it sure as Hell isn't a better life right now. You don't realize how much an accident can affect your family until you experience one and know firsthand about the pain it can bring. Scurry and I never used to fight... Now we do; we fight because I can't lift Peanut and Cashew because of the weight restrictions I'm under; we fight because he's always at work so nothing ever gets done around the house as fast as it needs to be done... We even fight because I'm struggling through yet another semester of college (my 3rd as a Mommy) and I 'ignore' him when I'm working on my homework. The two of us are so badly in need of a vacation that it isn't even funny anymore. We need to get away! And, of course, because of the accident, we lost out on 2 weeks of my workstudy pay, plus some of his hours that he missed. The stress just keeps on coming, and we're trying to roll with the punches.

But, there has been some good news lately... I'm passing all of my classes! Even Statistics, which is a miracle (probably an even bigger miracle than me surviving being hit by an SUV). French... Je parle français. I'm not concerned with French. But Stats and my education coursework... Those are vital, and I'm passing them!

No snow yet here in Northern Bumf--- either! The leaves are past peak, but it's still incredible to walk down the small town streets and see all of the trees glowing golden, red and orange in the sun. Fall is definitely vibrant here this year. Peanut is disappointed... He didn't get to play in the leaves this year; too much rain made them damp before he had a chance to visit Grammy and Grampy's house to play in the yard. Cashew... Well, I don't think she minded too much, she's quite the little girlie girl! It really lights Scurry up to watch her crawl around and then try to walk (she hasn't gotten that down quite yet).

Finally on Fall break, glad for the long weekend.... Time to go catch a nap!