16 July 2009

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

Alas, our stay in our current POS apartment has finally come to an end! Tomorrow is our last day of packing, and Saturday and Sunday are moving days! We found a pretty nice house (for the area, which isn't saying much, most of the time); 4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Going to give Scurry his well-deserved ManCave, since he's never had physical or mental space in any of our apartments. Best part about the move, for me, at least: we'll finally have a place that we can invite people over to without feeling cramped! I'm an extreme extrovert, so I've been dying to have a place where people can hang out comfortably.

Scurry and I have been having problems, mostly with communication; he bottles things up for so long that I don't even remember what he's talking about sometimes, and it really hurts us both. We're putting a ton of effort into being more open and supportive of one another, and I can already tell that it's helping. I'm trying to convince him to take a class or two online in spring semester; I'm more than willing to pay for it out of my financial aid, since he missed the deadlines for FAFSA.

Starting to fall asleep on the laptop, so I'm gonna hit the hay. Pics to come of the house asap.

03 July 2009

Turn, Turn, Turn

Yep.... Today was the day; after months of avoidance, I finally cleaned out our DVR. Scrolling through was like looking back at the promise of yesterday. Sweeney Todd: keep- we still haven't watched it (it was recorded in January); Another Cinderella Story: keep- I'm lame, and loooove the tango scene in it, it's just sexy! I found a plethora of Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and CSI episodes; but, most pleasant, was finding the CSI episode "Turn, Turn, Turn," which is my absolute favorite episode in recent history. Barring the brilliance of the Miniature Killer episodes, this one takes it for me, for one particular reason.... Nick Stokes, at the end of the episode, breaks down crying when discussing the murder victim, a 16 year old girl, who he believes he could have saved. The emotion he exhibits is unparalelled for CSI, and it tugs my heartstrings even now. I watched the episode again before deciding to keep it; I'm not ready to part with it just yet. Instead, I delete 9 episodes of Lie to Me and Nim's Island, which I cannot keep my eyes open during. Wall-E.... Well, we'll keep that one for another day. Maybe, eventually, I'll manage to stay awake for the full movie, rather than just the first 25 minutes. For now, 25 minutes is all I can give.

Now Listening: "You're Not Sorry" Taylor Swift (Album Version)
Next Up: "Wonderwall" Oasis

24 June 2009

"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you..."

Has anyone noticed the ridiculous crap in the commercials on TV today? I miss "He likes it, hey Mikey!" and the fodder of yesteryear. I barely enjoy TV now.... but, thanks to TiVo and impatience, I can record the shows I actually care to watch and fast forward through the terrible commercials (though, I'll admit... I do enjoy watching anything involving fast cars with sleek lines) and get to the meat of the episode.

With so much going on in the news and media, I decided to turn to my true source of news: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I prefer The Daily Show for many reasons.... Perhaps most of all because it takes a comedic stand. As a worrier, I can't take the Captain Serious news.... Watching it often leaves me with anxiety or paranoia, if not a nasty combination of the two. Let's be honest here- anyone who survives being hit by a car, falling and breaking her face, and nearly dying in childbirth within one 18 month period does NOT need any more drama, paranoia or anxiety. As is, I have extreme difficulty crossing streets if there's a car anywhere within 5 miles of the intersection I'm crossing at (a gross exaggeration, yet so close to the truth that I couldn't resist), and I have nightmares about losing loved ones to strange accidents. That is, of course, when I'm not having strange dreams about orange tabby cats named Stallion, who tells me the secrets of living a happy life (secret #7- Cheese.... I totally blame the muscle relaxers that allow me to sleep for these odd dreams). I survive each day because of pills that help the muscles in my back relax enough to allow me to move comfortably, and I have panic attacks if I see a car (even in the distance) when I cross the street. Does that sound like I need to have more drama? No, probably not. So, I opt out of the freaky "oh God, what if..." news, and watch the "What the hell..... Did Jon Stewart just say that??" news. Yes- it's still news, and it's great for politics! Jon Stewart vs. Jim Kramer- need I say more? News so cutting edge that it made.... THE NEWS!

Secretly, though, I'm watching The Daily Show and Colbert Report tonight because of Gov. Sanford (SC). Anyone who disappears for a week, unannounced, and then comes back, admitting to having flown to Argentina to be with the woman he's having an affair with..... Yeah, he's gonna be fodder for either Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart, and I have to witness the hilarity that will ensue from this. It's just too ridiculous for me to resist. Although, it appears, after watching clips from Fox News, that I, perhaps, should be watching their pathetic coverage for more witty quips about our President, the "War," and, yes, even Gov. Sanford.

On a side note, however (yes, tonight is the night for asides), I've decided to make a little list of the things on my desk that I cannot live without...... That aren't medicinal.

Sierra Mist Ruby Splash
Webber Vitamin E Ointment (tattoo aftercare!)
SweetTarts Squeez Wild Cherry
Blow Pop Minis
Quakes Ranch Rice Cakes
Grumbacher Watercolor Paints
E.L.F. Mineral Foundation
iPod Charger
Glamour Magazine
Scholastic Instructor Magazine

Alas..... It appears that I'm boring. I'm sure, since you're reading this, that you've already ascertained this, and apparently, you find me at least slightly fascinating ;)

23 June 2009

Those Who Cannot Do, Teach?

Gah! I have perhaps the most under appreciated job on the planet (being a mommy), and I'm about to enter another under appreciated profession: teaching. Those who cannot do, teach?? What the heck is that? Nobody considers how far they have gotten because of the teachers who helped to build the foundation on which they stand. One of the first things I realized when I started my coursework was how little thanks I would receive.... Yet, I still choose to follow this path. We all want to make a difference in the world: this is my way of doing it. Even if I am never thanked for giving the science or math background which led to that Nobel-winning discovery, I will be able to have pride in myself despite not being recognized.

I was thinking the other day.... What is it about teaching that makes people think of it as a last resort? Being an English teacher doesn't mean that I've failed as a writer, but rather, that I want to share my love of a language with students so that they can learn to love it, or at least be proficient with it, too. My choice to teach elementary-aged students has nothing to do with an inability to succeed in another field, but with a desire to broaden young minds and be an influential figure who not only teaches subject matter, but also teaches her students to love learning. I've already begun this process with my own babies, who aren't even school-age yet, but already have developed a love for the written word that a great number of students will never develop. We read, long before we will turn to the TV or any other form of amusement. My children have heard many, many stories, from simple children's books to complex novels. It doesn't matter the context of a story, provided that the voice that is reading aloud is complex and talented. I have been fortunate enough to have a professor, Dr. Terry Murphy, who put a substantial amount of work into teaching all of her pre-service teachers to read aloud in a theatrical and interesting manner. I have read to my children from textbooks, Harry Potter books... Most recently, we've read the Inkheart series (by the brilliant Cornelia Funke) and Atonement by Ian McEwan. Ah, but you're thinking "those are NOT children's books." No, indeed, they are not. They are, however, beautifully written, and, without prior knowledge dictating the meanings of words, they are simply words on a page, which, when read aloud, become magical. I am, of course, a strong believer in reading to children. It has been proven that children who are surrounded by strong models of literacy are more likely to become successful in their chosen fields as adults, are more intelligent, and have larger vocabularies at earlier ages. Perhaps this is because they are shown that reading and writing (literacy) is not something to be hidden or scorned, but, instead, is something which should be revered and practiced daily. Literacy is the simple act of reading and writing; it is something which many adults avoid at any cost. In the same way that the internet has created more widespread access to literacy through blogging, online newspapers (thus becoming far more available... and free), and masses of other writing, technology has also been detrimental to literacy.... Text messaging, for example: use as few letters as possible to relay a message to someone about something which, in 50 years, will seem ridiculous. So my plea to all of you.... Read. Not just text messages, emails and Twitter updates. Read novels, newspapers, magazines.... Anything and everything you can get your hands on that holds some meaning. If you'd like suggestions, here is my list.

Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond
Atonement by Ian McEwa

As I said, those are simply a few of my suggestions for your beach bag or carry-on suitcase.

22 February 2009

Introducing, your Avon representative!

That's right.... Now I'm selling Avon. Been debating about it, so I took the leap and made my online store. Here's to hoping I make some money!


I can hope, right?

18 February 2009

Help me, I'm drowning

I should be writing a paper for Teaching of Reading or filling out a practice IEP form for Educating the Exceptional Child... Instead, I'm on my blog, typing about my perhaps exceptionally boring life.

This semester cannot end fast enough.... I've failed at updating, failed at writing anything that doesn't have to be written.... Cashew has cut 4 new teeth in recent history and is getting to be such a big girl.... And Peanut talks constantly now. I'm so proud of my babies. Got some great footage of Scurry playing catch with them the other day.... Adorable!

19 credits doesn't feel like a lot of work, really... Until I look back over the past few weeks and all the work I've done. I guess it's more than I thought it was, huh? On the upside... I'm going to graduate on time. Wheeeee.... That definitely takes a load off. I am sooooo sick of sitting in class all day, and I'm dying to have my own classroom. I NEED MY OWN SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wish I could find reliable babysitting though, I'd like to go out more than once every 4 months. I might have finally found someone good, though... So here's to hoping that this lasts!

My first of many packages got here today- yay books!!! I've been stocking up for my classroom library, and several books got here today, with many more to come. I'm so elated about that! Anyway, more some day soon.... Procrastination needs to end here if I want to complete anything today :(