18 February 2009

Help me, I'm drowning

I should be writing a paper for Teaching of Reading or filling out a practice IEP form for Educating the Exceptional Child... Instead, I'm on my blog, typing about my perhaps exceptionally boring life.

This semester cannot end fast enough.... I've failed at updating, failed at writing anything that doesn't have to be written.... Cashew has cut 4 new teeth in recent history and is getting to be such a big girl.... And Peanut talks constantly now. I'm so proud of my babies. Got some great footage of Scurry playing catch with them the other day.... Adorable!

19 credits doesn't feel like a lot of work, really... Until I look back over the past few weeks and all the work I've done. I guess it's more than I thought it was, huh? On the upside... I'm going to graduate on time. Wheeeee.... That definitely takes a load off. I am sooooo sick of sitting in class all day, and I'm dying to have my own classroom. I NEED MY OWN SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really wish I could find reliable babysitting though, I'd like to go out more than once every 4 months. I might have finally found someone good, though... So here's to hoping that this lasts!

My first of many packages got here today- yay books!!! I've been stocking up for my classroom library, and several books got here today, with many more to come. I'm so elated about that! Anyway, more some day soon.... Procrastination needs to end here if I want to complete anything today :(

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